Design Thinking

Processes that improve lives

Happiness and well-being in our lives are determined by two fundamental factors: structural causes and decisions.

Structural causes are beyond our control and individually we have little or no ability to influence them.
However, in the decisions realm we have much more control and, all things being equal, having appropriate problem-solving mechanisms in place can significantly improve our happiness and well-being.

Thinklusion is a resource portal developed within the framework of the project Worldplaces: Workplaces working for women’s integration, funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs through the AMIF program for the development and implementation of local integration strategies through multi-stakeholder partnerships. This portal aims to provide tools to foster the integration of migrant women into their new social and employment contexts. 

This is Thinklusion’s mission: the empowerment of people, especially the most vulnerable, using creative methodologies that provide them with autonomy, adaptability and facilitate their inclusion. For that, we facilitate tools and models for socio-educational intervention professionals in order to learn about the Design Thinking methodology and have resources for its application with vulnerable groups. 

We apply all the knowledge of our team of experts in education, psychology and engineering to design intervention tools that aim to improve people’s lives and their empowerment.

These tools are applied in 5 cases that work as inspiring models for you to see how the Design Thinking methodology can significantly improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people.

Benefits for life

In addition to providing useful resources for socio-educational intervention professionals, in this website you will find a systematized procedure that can allow the transformation of your organization into a democratic, open, creative and evaluable model of operation.
Design Thinking is the methodology we propose. It provides an intervention process organized in 5 phases that pursue delimited and evaluable objectives, thus measuring improvements and efficiency in the decision making process, both for the organization and the users.
Design Thinking is a structured process that provides people:


We acquire autonomy
and we become protagonists
in the identification process
and resolution of our problems


We improved our capacity for initiative and
socializing while putting our creative skills into practice


We use innovative
that we can transfer to
new challenges in a world
constantly changing


We obtain planning resources thanks to this systematized and creative process

Advantages of
Design Thinking

The Design Thinking process consists of the following phases:






Associated with each phase, we offer you multiple intervention tools with which you will have a variety of resources to use depending on the needs of your organization and the circumstances of the vulnerable people with whom you intervene. Learn more

The Design Thinking methodology has been successfully tested in the inclusion of groups of migrants and refugees.

Tool carousel

Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.
Put yourself in my ears


Understanding the difficulties related to the language of migrant women.
Juegos Design Thinking
Design Thinking Games


Checking the acquisition of the Design Thinking methodology.
Herramienta Entrevistas finales
Final interviews


Evaluating the development of the Design Thinking methodology according to the process and the results obtained.
Herramienta DCBE


Evaluating the development of basic employability skills of the migrant woman with whom the intervention is going to take place.
Herramienta PIC-A


Assessing divergent thinking (verbal, graphic and general) of the migrant woman the educator intervenes with.

Contact us

Faculty of Education and Social Work (Ourense)

Contact Form