Evaluation dartboards
Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.


As an alternative to Evaluation rubrics, The dartboard format is proposed, so that the evaluation system would be the same, evaluating on a numerical scale of 1 to 5 the different criteria (resources needed, time available, real resolution of the challenge and difficulty), which can be substituted by others depending on the needs detected.

In this case, dartboards could be created in paper format so that the person with whom the intervention is carried out could color in the scores given to each criterion or even use a real dartboard and darts. The final scores for each idea would be obtained, as in the case of the rubrics, by adding up the scores for all the criteria.

Tool carousel

Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.
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Understanding the difficulties related to the language of migrant women.
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Evaluating the development of the Design Thinking methodology according to the process and the results obtained.
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Evaluating the development of basic employability skills of the migrant woman with whom the intervention is going to take place.
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Assessing divergent thinking (verbal, graphic and general) of the migrant woman the educator intervenes with.