Draw your idea
Draw your idea


Graphically representing the steps to follow to carry out the proposed idea.


The steps to be followed to carry out the action plan can be represented in drawings. For this purpose, the protagonist should be provided with different materials (colored pencils, markers, pens, cardboard) and her free artistic expression should be encouraged.

If carried out in a group, an activity of interest is the so called Exquisite corpse:The first person makes a drawing on one end of the paper, which must be folded so that the next person can only see the edges of the design and make her own interpretation of the drawing without being able to see the previous drawing. The activity will end once everyone has contributed to the design.

Other alternatives could be: using comic templates (such as those presented below) or digital resources that allow the creation of drawings.

Tool carousel

Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.
Put yourself in my ears


Understanding the difficulties related to the language of migrant women.
Juegos Design Thinking
Design Thinking Games


Checking the acquisition of the Design Thinking methodology.
Herramienta Entrevistas finales
Final interviews


Evaluating the development of the Design Thinking methodology according to the process and the results obtained.
Herramienta DCBE


Evaluating the development of basic employability skills of the migrant woman with whom the intervention is going to take place.
Herramienta PIC-A


Assessing divergent thinking (verbal, graphic and general) of the migrant woman the educator intervenes with.