Cooperative brainstorming
Cooperative brainstorming


Offering useful ideas to cooperatively solve the challenge to be addressed.


In groups of 4 or 5 people, different cooperative learning techniques could be used (Pujolàs and Lago, 2011) to generate as many ideas as possible to solve the challenge to be addressed, such as:

- Pencils to the center: orally, the whole group discusses the resolution of the challenge to be addressed, so that once finished, each member can take his or her pencil and write down his or her own interpretation of the resolution of the problem. Finally, all proposals would be pooled.

- Rotating foil: one member of the group writes on a piece of paper an idea that can be used to solve the challenge. Once finished, pass the sheet of paper to the next member of the group to write a new idea, so that the activity is finished when all members have contributed their point of view. Once finalized, all the ideas are put in common.

- 3-minute stop: Once the challenge is presented, each member must think of different ways to solve the problem for 3 minutes. At the end of the time, the different ideas will be shared.

Reference: Pujolàs, P., and Lago, J. R. (coords.). (2011). El programa CA/AC (Cooperar para aprender/Aprender a cooperar) para enseñar a aprender en equipo. Implementación del aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula. Universidad de Vic.

Tool carousel

Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.
Put yourself in my ears


Understanding the difficulties related to the language of migrant women.
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Design Thinking Games


Checking the acquisition of the Design Thinking methodology.
Herramienta Entrevistas finales
Final interviews


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Evaluating the development of basic employability skills of the migrant woman with whom the intervention is going to take place.
Herramienta PIC-A


Assessing divergent thinking (verbal, graphic and general) of the migrant woman the educator intervenes with.