Empathic interviewing and focus groups
Empathic interviewing and focus groups


Gathering information about how the people you are going to intervene with act, how they feel and what their concerns are.


Based on a script, semi-structured interviews can be conducted individually (empathic interview) or in groups (discussion groups) which, through active listening, will allow to understand the behavior and emotions of the migrant women, their problems and daily difficulties, generating at the same time a climate of trust (Fernandez et al., 2020). If necessary, simultaneous translators could be used to facilitate communication.

In the case of applying the tool in a group setting, discussion groups would be used in which the educator would have a script to obtain information about the different people with whom they are going to intervene.

Examples of questions to include:

  • What activities do you like to practice in your daily life?
  • What did you do in your home country?
  • What was your last job and in which sector? For how long?
  • Have you ever felt that you were treated unfairly at work? On the basis of what characteristics do you think it has occurred?
  • In which sector do you think you are really valuable? Which sector do you like the most?
  • What would you like to know before you start working in this country?
  • Have you ever had the support of a mediator? In what ways did he offer you support? What should that person be like?
  • What responsibilities require most of your time outside of work hours?
  • What is your opinion on the labor inclusion of women in your country? What about this one?
  • What are your objectives in terms of work in 6 months?

Reference: Fernández, M. J., Caeiro, M., Costa, E., Cuiñas, E., Díaz, F. J., and Mariño, P. (2020). Design Thinking. Guía de iniciación. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidade de Vigo.

Tool carousel

Evaluation dartboards


Analyzing the ideas put forward in order to select the one that best meets a series of criteria.
Put yourself in my ears


Understanding the difficulties related to the language of migrant women.
Juegos Design Thinking
Design Thinking Games


Checking the acquisition of the Design Thinking methodology.
Herramienta Entrevistas finales
Final interviews


Evaluating the development of the Design Thinking methodology according to the process and the results obtained.
Herramienta DCBE


Evaluating the development of basic employability skills of the migrant woman with whom the intervention is going to take place.
Herramienta PIC-A


Assessing divergent thinking (verbal, graphic and general) of the migrant woman the educator intervenes with.